Monday, November 1, 2010

Writing My Research Argument Rough Draft

When I first sat down to write this paper, it just wasn't coming to me. All I managed to write was the introduction, after that my mind was drawing a blank. After a few hours of doing something else I was finally able to come back to it and actually write the paper. I guess I just needed to be in the right mood and setting and I wasn't when I first sat down. However, the second time everything seemed to come out just fine.
I wrote the roght draft for my research argument on Fri. and Sat. I had a little bit of difficulty combining the research and my argument. I mean it's pretty obvious that I feel that college textbooks should be cheaper, the problem is that hardly anyone disagrees with me. So I am not sure how well my point came across in my paper, I felt that most of what I had to say was just the research.
Maybe it's all in my head, but I don't feel very confident about this paper,so I am really looking forward to my conference on Wednesday so that I can get some feedback that will hopefully help me to fix my paper.

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