Thursday, September 23, 2010

Season Premiere Week

Awww, the week of season premieres has finally arrived. So much TV to watch so little time. Monday I've got Chuck as well as Mike and Molly. Neither of which caused any dissappointment. I was a little bit worried about how this season of Chuck would go considering how they ended things last season, but all turned out perfect. Tuesday means the best show on TV, NCIS, boy what a nail biter the season finale was. But the premiere did not dissappoint either. Gibbss, Jackson, and Franks are so BA. The ending was absolutely amazing! Wednesday night was Criminal Minds. Let me just say I had forgotten how utterly creepy TIm Curry was in that role. This one was another nail biter. Ending with Derek and a woman tied up bleeding on the floor with the team not knowing where they are, while Tim Curry's character kidnaps the woman's niece. And not to mention that her father is lying dead on the floor after being shot by Tim Curry. Finally tonight, Thurday. Bones and The Big Bang Theory. Bones I was extememly worried about considering that at the end of last season everyone wen their seperate ways. Brennan and Daisy went to the Maluku Isands, Booth to Afghanistan, Angela and Hodgins to France, Sweets to play the piano at the mall, and all of Brennan's grad students have left the field of anthropology. Weird I know. But it wall turned out just fine, when they all come back 7 months later to help save Cam's job. And last but certainly not least, The Big Bang Theory, which I have not yet had the chance to watch. However, I can see no way that it could dissappoint me either because they are all just so funny. And Sheldon now has a girlfriend, there is no way that this will not be hilarious!

Hope everyone else had a great week, and if I spoiled something about any of the above shows I'm truly sorry!

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